The accreditation as Comprehensive Cancer Centre means that an organisation has been approved according to the highly set quality criteria of the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI). Skåne University Hospital Cancer Centre (SUHCC) is a collaboration between Skåne University Hospital, Lund University (via Lund University Cancer Centre), Regional Cancer Centre South, Medical service, palliative care and advanced home care in primary care.
Fig. 1 Skåne University Hospital Cancer Centre organisation chart
"We are proud and happy to be part of both the accreditation process and the Comprehensive Cancer Centre itself as part of the research and education”, says Sophia Zackrisson, Director of LUCC and member of SUHCC working group. "This work would not have been possible without the support and input from the LUCC community and management and special thanks to Lisa Rydén for managing the accreditation process for several years".
Link to press release from Skåne University Hospital
Sahlgrenska Cancer Center (Gothenburg) was also accredited as Comprehensive Cancer Centre by OECI the same week as SUHCC.
Link to press release from "Sahlgrenskaliv" (SWE)
There is now 3 CCCs in Sweden and Karolinska CCC was the first CCC in Sweden and was accredited in 2020.