- Facilitation: Stimulating cutting-edge cancer research
LUCC strives to support excellent cutting-edge cancer research by creating optimal conditions to perform world-leading basic, translational and clinical studies. LUCC furthermore strives to include researchers from related research areas, to enhance interdisciplinary collaborations and viewpoints.
Firstly, LUCC will be a driving force in the development, maintenance and accessibility of state-of-the-art infrastructure for cancer research.
Secondly, recruitment is a crucial means to achieve scientific rejuvenation and serves the purpose of diversifying the academic environment in terms of scientific expertise, age, gender and background. LUCC provides support to departments and faculties in timely and efficient recruitments of excellent faculty members (associate senior lecturers, senior lecturers, professors) with internationally competitive and strategically relevant track records.
Thirdly, LUCC strives to stimulate interactions between scientists at all levels with the aim to facilitate the research process. Locally, LUCC specifically acts to bridge the gap between basic and clinical science, between diverse disciplines, as well as between the different LU faculties. At an organizational level, LUCC interacts with the other Strategic Research Areas (SRA; as defined by the Vice Chancellor) through the SRA Collegium (SFO-kollegium). At the level of research activities, LUCC works together with SRAs that have common aims. The SRAs from the Faculty of Medicine are natural partners for collaboration, but other SRAs, such as NanoLund, are identified as important affiliates in realizing the potential of interdisciplinary fields. At the national level, LUCC intends to continue to act jointly with Sahlgrenska Akademien and Sahlgrenska Cancer Centre in the collaboration with other SRAs within cancer research (U-CAN and Cancer Research KI). Importantly, these interactions play a crucial role in promoting national cooperation, in increasing the competitiveness of Swedish cancer research internationally, as well as in benchmarking efforts to implement research findings in the Swedish health care system.
In summary, LUCC acts to
• Facilitate world-leading basic, translational and clinical studies
• Drive technological transformation by supporting the accessibility of state-of-the-art core facilities
• Support the recruitment and retention of top-level scientists
• Promote interactions between cancer researchers to exploit the full potential of the research environment.
• Be a platform for interdisciplinary access to different methodologies, instruments, techniques and analyses, including technical and intellectual support, for all involved researchers.
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